Monday, February 10, 2014

The Insanity, Stratosphere, Las Vegas, Nevada

The Insanity is a ride that sticks to the side of the Stratosphere(there are more rides on the Stratosphere and I have blogs for all of them. Please go check them out). To get to the top of the Stratosphere you have to pay. If you only want to go on the rides once you  don't pay as much as you would pay if you want to go multiple times. I thought the money was worth it. The Insanity looks like an octopus. It has arms with two seats on the bottom of each arm. When the ride starts the ride moves slowly and moves to the side of the building. Then it starts spinning. It also tilts you forward. The ride wasn't really thrilling , just a pretty view of the Strip. When I got off the ride, this drunk old man started to get on the ride. it was really funny because he started talking to me. I didn't know what to say so I just smiled. He didn't walk straight. I would recommend the ride for people who aren't ready for the extreme rides. It was fun but not thrilling.

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