Monday, February 10, 2014

Big Shot, Stratosphere, Las Vegas, Nevada

The Big Shot is a ride on top of the Stratosphere. The building is really high and the view is amazing. You have to pay to go up there and go o the rides. If you only want to go once on each ride (I will be making a bog about the other two rides) it is cheaper, but if you want a to go on the rides multiple times it costs more money, but it was definitely worth it.
The Big Shot is one of those rides that just shoots you up and down. I loved that ride so much, I went on it about 20 times! When I sat down in the seat I was terrified. I couldn't sit still. Then the ride made this weird noise and went up slowly for a foot or two. Then after about  ten seconds it shoots you up. I made this little yelp. Then the ride shot you back down straight away. I yelped again. The ride did the same thing for a couple more times but it didn't go as high. This ride was AMAZING!

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