Monday, February 10, 2014

The Insanity, Stratosphere, Las Vegas, Nevada

The Insanity is a ride that sticks to the side of the Stratosphere(there are more rides on the Stratosphere and I have blogs for all of them. Please go check them out). To get to the top of the Stratosphere you have to pay. If you only want to go on the rides once you  don't pay as much as you would pay if you want to go multiple times. I thought the money was worth it. The Insanity looks like an octopus. It has arms with two seats on the bottom of each arm. When the ride starts the ride moves slowly and moves to the side of the building. Then it starts spinning. It also tilts you forward. The ride wasn't really thrilling , just a pretty view of the Strip. When I got off the ride, this drunk old man started to get on the ride. it was really funny because he started talking to me. I didn't know what to say so I just smiled. He didn't walk straight. I would recommend the ride for people who aren't ready for the extreme rides. It was fun but not thrilling.

X-Scream, Stratosphere, Las Vegas, Nevada

The X-Scream is a ride on the side of the Stratosphere. To get to the top of the building you will have to pay. If you only want to go on the rides once, you will pay less, but if you want to go on the rides multiple times you would get the day pass, which costs more but is totally worth it(I have blogs about the other rides too). When I was waiting in line I was very scared, and when I got on the ride I was even more scared. The ride starts by pulling you back, then it tilts you forward and gravity takes it's course. It shoots you forward. The first time I went on the ride, my hands were glued to the railings. The second time, my hands were up the whole time. I loved that ride! It was great!
WARNING: After I go on a lot of thrill rides, I always get a rush of adrenaline so I would recommend to run and take a short brake when that happens.

I need help on improving my blog. If you have any suggestions please leave a comment.

If you have any suggestions on rides, I would love to hear about them. I might even go on those rides. So if you have any suggestions please leave a comment! Thanks!

Big Shot, Stratosphere, Las Vegas, Nevada

The Big Shot is a ride on top of the Stratosphere. The building is really high and the view is amazing. You have to pay to go up there and go o the rides. If you only want to go once on each ride (I will be making a bog about the other two rides) it is cheaper, but if you want a to go on the rides multiple times it costs more money, but it was definitely worth it.
The Big Shot is one of those rides that just shoots you up and down. I loved that ride so much, I went on it about 20 times! When I sat down in the seat I was terrified. I couldn't sit still. Then the ride made this weird noise and went up slowly for a foot or two. Then after about  ten seconds it shoots you up. I made this little yelp. Then the ride shot you back down straight away. I yelped again. The ride did the same thing for a couple more times but it didn't go as high. This ride was AMAZING!